The Vanquished Writing History, a new body of work comprising 18 large-scale portraits by artist Paul MacCormaic, are portraits of people, or their advocates, who find themselves marginalised, ostracised, vilified or disbelieved, and who have told their own story, making a positive contribution to Irish society, usually through activism or advocacy. Paul MacCormaic’s body of work enters the fray on the issue of those who challenge society’s structures. MacCormaic takes the tropes of traditional portraiture and places it in the service of these agitators. The exhibition is currently taking place at the Royal Hibernian Academy of Arts (RHA Gallery), 15 Ely Place, Dublin 2.
The exhibition takes place from 21 February to 23 March. Admission to the RHA Gallery is always free and the exhibition will be supported by a full colour catalogue, available to purchase at the RHA, at €15.
01. Paul MacCormaic, The Kavanagh Sisters Making Their Podcast, 2023, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 122 x 168cm, Image courtesy of the artist.
02. Paul MacCormaic, Antoinette Keegan, spokesperson for the justice for the Stardust 48, 2023, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 122 x 122cm, Image courtesy of the artist.
03. Paul MacCormaic, Martin Collins, traveller rights activist, at his desk in Pavee Point, 2024, Acrylic and oil on canvas 122 x 92cm, Image courtesy of the artist.
04. Paul MacCormaic, Annie Murphy, former lover Of Bishop Eamonn Casey, at her home in Riverside, California, Oil and acrylic on canvas, 122 x 92cm, Image courtesy of the artist.
05. Paul MacCormaic, Finola Cassidy, spokesperson for the Irish Thalidomide Association, at her home in Sandymount, Dublin, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 122 x 92cm, Image courtesy of the artist.
06. Paul MacCormaic, John Teggart, victim’s campaigner, at Springhill Community House, Belfast, 2024, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 122 x 92 cm, Image courtesy of the artist.
07. Paul MacCormaic, Martin and Peggy Murphy, survivors of thalidomide, at their farm in County Cork, 2024, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 122 x 122 cm, Image courtesy of the artist.