APPEL (Affiliation for Pharmacy Practice Experiential Learning) is now seeking expressions of interest from pharmacists in community and hospital pharmacy settings who would like to facilitate an experiential learning placement for a 4th-year pharmacy student in 2023. These placements will run from 28 August to 15 December 2023.
Experiential learning placements are a key part of the integrated pharmacy masters (M.Pharm). In their 4th year, students can undertake placements in both patient-facing (ie, community and hospital pharmacy) and non-patient-facing settings (including in the pharmaceutical industry and in role-emerging practice).
Pharmacists who have previously facilitated APPEL placements have found the experience enjoyable and rewarding. In surveys, 90 per cent of pharmacists said they would recommend facilitating a placement to other pharmacists. The advantages of facilitating an APPEL placement include:
- Continuing Professional Development — APPEL Trainer Training can contribute to pharmacists’ CPD, as can the experience of facilitating a placement.
- Development of your talent pipeline — many students will look to start their career in the organisations or practice settings where they undertook their placements.
- Engagement — participating in the APPEL programme provides you with the opportunity to increase awareness of your pharmacy/organisation. APPEL training and events provide fantastic networking opportunities.
The deadline to confirm your interest in offering placements is 11 November 2022. You can do this by visiting: https:// For further information, email