The HSE’s Medicines Management Programme (MMP) has announced that it has completed an evaluation to identify the preferred blood glucose test strips (BGTS) for adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The process included a consultation period to allow for submissions from BGTS suppliers and was completed in accordance with the MMP roadmap for the ‘Identification of preferred blood glucose test strips with associated blood glucose meter(s) for adult patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus’.
The MMP stated that its aim was to ensure that there are a variety of options available to patients and prescribers and said “healthcare professionals should give due consideration to the use of a preferred BGTS when commencing self-monitoring of blood glucose, and when changing BGTS in people who are not currently using a preferred product”.

The MMP also issued its recommendation on ketone test strips, details of which are outlined below:
Prof Michael Barry, National Clinical Lead, MMP, said: “In 2019, total expenditure on BGTS was approximately €40.6 million on the Community Drug Schemes, with the majority of this expenditure on BGTS with a reimbursement price greater than €19 per pack of 50. The MMP recognises the potential for a reduction in expenditure on BGTS, but this can only be achieved by increased utilisation of the preferred BGTS.”
The Programme also released a poster as further guidance with recommendations for healthcare professionals, which can be accessed at:
The evaluation report is available on the MMP website at